Vittorio Cipriani

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CV (last update 10/01/25) CV.pdf

Currently I am a research fellow at the Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), where I am a project assistant for the project "Classifying structures via Learning" led by Prof. Ekaterina Fokina.

I got my Ph.D. at the University of Udine in May 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Marcone and Dr. Luca San Mauro with the thesis "Many problems, different frameworks: Classification of Problems in Computable Analysis and Algorithmic Learning Theory".

Research interests

Computable analysis (in particular, Weihrauch reducibility and its connections to reverse mathematics), algorithmic learning theory of algebraic structure, (effective) descriptive set theory.

List of papers

Teaching Experience

(2021-2022) Teaching assistant for the course of Linear Algebra, Bachelor degree in Internet of Things, Big Data, Machine Learning, Uniud held by Prof. D'Agostino.


20 contributed talks, most of them given in several editions of Logic Colloquium, Computability in Europe, Computability and Complexity in Analysis and Continuity, Computability, Constructivity and Computability